Improving Learning at School – Smart Board in Perth Classrooms
Perth Smart Board Rollout for our Biggest Secondary School, Bob Hawke College Perth. Audio Visual Classroom Solutions using Promethean Australia interactive projector.
It’s been 2 years since K2AV was awarded the entire Audiovisual Perth contract for one of the biggest Perth secondary school builds in Perth’s history – Bob Hawke College Perth. Promethean Australia went back and interviewed two staff members who are power users at the school to find out what impact the classroom solutions has had on teaching & learning. Here’s what they said.
Teacher A – Humanities & Social Science (HASS)
I definitely use the Promethean Panel every day. I don’t necessarily plan to use the Promethean panel but I like that it just fits into my lessons. The Promethean classroom projector offers features well beyond what a traditional whiteboard would for that interaction between student and teacher. I like to use the timer on Active Inspire, I find it really awesome for keeping students in check and with them knowing how much time they have left to complete an activity. Being able to obviously touch screen and have students interact with it is one of the awesome features. You don’t need to be super experienced with using technology to use them. You’re able to wirelessly connect to the Promethean so being able to have students project their work from where they are in the classroom is an awesome feature. They can project their work without having to massively interrupt the structure of your lesson. We did a survey a few weeks ago and we were able to project a video that had been created by students as a prompt to that activity, but really awesome for the students to be able to be seen and interact with the whole student body in that way.
Teacher B – Humanities & Social Science (HASS)
What I find most valuable is using the interactive projector to augment learning, so I really like being able to annotate and highlight. I think that it brings aspects of the curriculum that might be a little bit harder for some to engage with to life when they’re able to come up to the panel, circle and interact directly with that content in a digital way, they are really enthusiastic anytime that they do get to use the panel. I’m a Humanities & Social Sciences Teacher so having the ability in Geography for students to be able to develop their mapping skills use the ruler, highlight areas or symbols on a map is a really cool feature to have and brings that to life whereas in Civics and Citizenship for them to be able to classify highlight key terms and identify content that’s of value too is really great.
Teacher A – Humanities & Social Science (HASS)
So being able to wirelessly project to the Promethean is an awesome feature for staff meetings. We’re able to project lesson plans, unit plans that we have and collaborate as a staff group. We can write all over it, we can annotate our documents and take screenshots to save for later. During the COVID pandemic it was a little bit difficult for us to interact as a whole school, so one of the ways that we were able to work around that was to use the Promethean to project the ANZAC Day service. For our recent student board nominations students prepared videos explaining why they were the ideal candidate for the position but I love that it just fits into my classroom like any other feature.
For a younger generation of kinaesthetic learners who have you know grown up around devices the panel is a way to bring learning to life and sort of allows them to personalise work and engage in in the learning that is at the focal point of our classroom. Oh yeah, we did all our student board stuff, there’s so many ways we use it. I don’t think about. We don’t think about it. Because we just do. We use it every day and like I said, it really does fit quite naturally into our lesson structure and into the way that we interact in our classroom.
Watch the full interview with Bob Hawke College on our YouTube Channel here.