Education Portfolio
Leeming Senior High School Education Support CentreLeeming Senior High School Education Support CentreBeing one of K2AV’s first clients – Leeming Senior High School has developed a strong working relationship with our team. Having rolled out 50+ spaces over the years. Recently the education support centre has begun a rollout of Promethean Nickel interactive screens, video conferencing in their meeting spaces, and a full digital signage solution in reception and admin areas.Ongoing Interactive Solutions, Conferencing, and Digital Signage
Hocking Primary SchoolHocking Primary SchoolA 2008 build with modern facilities including a purpose built library art centre, music room and fully enclosed sporting hall with expansive playing grounds that support a comprehensive specialist learning area focus across all year levels. K2AV has partnered with the school to roll-out Promethean 75″ Nickel interactive panels throughout the school. With 30+ spaces being rolled out over time, all with specialist requirements for each year group.30+ Ongoing Classroom Interactive Solutions
Hammond Park Secondary CollegeHammond Park Secondary CollegeCatering for one of the busiest precincts in Perth. Housing architectural innovation never before seen in a secondary school, with a focus on technology and STEM-based learning at its core. K2AV designed, supplied, and installed, 30+ spaces. Including 22 interactive classroom installs using Epson ultra-short-throw interactive projectors with touch capability. 4 non-interactive, admin and staff presentations spaces. 2 interactive screens for collaborations spaces. And 2 complete digital signage solutions with remotely accessible Fusion signage software.Complete audio visual rollout for 30+ spaces for new 2020 secondary school
Beenyup Primary SchoolBeenyup Primary SchoolPromethean’s top of the range Titanium interactive screens were installed in all teaching spaces. K2AV were consulted throughout the process on the provisions necessary for a seamless installation on a tight schedule. Working with the architect, builder, and electrical contractors – a smooth delivery was undertaken ahead of schedule, with zero defects. The foundation team has been supported since day one with unlimited lifetime training and support for the entire faculty.Complete audio visual interactive screen rollout for new 2020 primary school