A collection of the most useful, tactical, and actionable information educators are using to help grow Australia’s education to the frontline of the world. 1% at a time.
This is where the K2AV team does the ground work to find practical information that educators can apply, ponder, and discuss to move the needle 1% further . So here it is:
An app educators are experimenting with –
Nearpod. Cross-platform (Apple, Android, etc.) and lets teachers create drag/drop interactive lessons, or use pre-existing lessons created by others. Then that lesson can be instantly shared across all student devices, facilitating real time feedback, and uncovering where each student is struggling or may require additional support. There’s a good case study on its use by a science teacher in San Jose.
Most shared Facebook video amongst educators –
12-year-old Chinese boy solves 3 Rubik’s Cubes while juggling them…And also breaks the Guinness World Record.
Practical tips on helping self-critical students –
How To Help Kids Who Are Too Hard On Themselves.
A valuable takeaway:
“In isolation, negative self-talk is natural and not cause for concern. But it can also be evidence of low self-esteem, a learning disability, anxiety, or depression…(A sign to look out for if) The negative self-talk is persistent and pervasive, it is not based in reality, eating and/or sleeping patterns have changed, (and) vague “I don’t feel well” statements in the absence of physical symptoms.”
Hotly debated topic amongst Perth schools –
Call for primary school ban on mobile phones. “Perth College, Scotch College, Helena College, Gilmore College and Ocean Reef Senior High School have all banned or heavily restricted the use of mobile phones during school hours.”
A free course teachers are excited about –
An online Noongar language and culture course by Curtin University. To help learn about the Noongar people of Western Australia who have been here for 45,000 years, their culture and their language. The course will teach a range of conversational Noongar words and phrases, spiritual and cultural beliefs, and key events that transformed the history of the Noongar people.
P.S. There may be a chance to win an interactive screen and/or projector — we’re working on a competition to celebrate 3,000+ subscribers, so keep an eye, ear, and nose out.
Something to help you cope...

We like honest no-holds-barred feedback. As the largest classroom technology provider to education in WA, our goal has been to help grow education in Australia to the frontline of the world. This newsletter, our podcast, and our book has been our means of sharing information that can help do that. Let us know what we could/should do better.